Few SEO mistakes you should avoid during optimizing a website


Common SEO mistakes

1. Using wrong Keywords:- Main thing of the website is content and most of SEO Experts choose wrong keywords. Try to focus on the keywords of the content and it will increase your site visibility in search engine. For example if you have a wedding website, you might discover that “wedding Guide” doesn’t work for you, even it consists “wedding” keyword. You can also think lots of good keyword for a website but finding the number of searches of particular keyword is difficult task. With the help of Google keyword Planner, you can find the right keyword for your website.

2. Using Flash on website:- Flash on website might be attractive to user but not to Search Engine. If you want to give a Flash Look to your website then try HTML version. Search Engine Love HTML version as compare to flash sites because spider can’t read Flash content and therefore can’t index it.

3. Title Tag Missing:- Leaving <title> tag blank is very common. Placing something in the title will help your site in search results as well as it will display on top of the browser tab.

4. Lack of consistency:- Consistency and regular update is very important for your website. If you want good result than keep updating your website.

5. Link Spamming:- This is a big mistake. Placing so many links in content can harm your website and this is not good as user point of view. Provide unique and link free articles so that your website readers can enjoy your article.

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6. Using H1 tag several times:- Using H1 Tag several times in same webpage can hurt your site ranking. One Page must contain only 1 time H1 tag.

7. Use of heavy Java Script:- Using heavy java script will slow down your page loading speed.

8. No use of Alt Tag on Image:- Search Engine Spider can’t read images but they can read alt tag. Using alt tag on images will help spider to read you images. Avoid spamming by using keywords as alt tag, it should be related to Images.

9. Absence of Sitemap:- Sitemap is very important for our website. The search engines are indexing web page a lot better after adding the sitemap file.

10. Focusing on Meta tag: – Lot of people thinks that SEO is game of Meta keywords and Meta description. Meta Tags are becoming a thing in past but now it’s all about quality content. You can create meta keywords and description but don’t except about website ranking.

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