How to Increase Likes on Facebook – 12 Proven Method

how to increase like in facebook
How to Increase Likes on Facebook

Facebook is a Social networking site with huge number of active members which allow user to connect with his friends, co-worker, relatives and so on. Facebook is the only site among all which have such a huge traffic. People join Facebook and connect each other which is very normal now a days.

When it comes to awareness and business branding most of the people do create Facebook page which is very easy and minute work. Now the most important thing is that you have to increase Facebook likes either may be Client’s target or any self project. Increasing Facebook likes is not a difficult, its easy but you have to follow some proper guidelines. In this article I have summarized the way to Increase likes on Facebook. Let’s learn now step by step:

How to Increase Likes on Facebook

1. Facebook Invitation 

The very first thing after creating Facebook page is Facebook Invitation. Invite your friends so that they can also see your newly created Facebook page and can like same. Click Build Audience at the top of your page and Select Invite friends. You can also invite other person using your email id. For this method you need to Upload your Contact list in CSV format. In this way Facebook will send email to the people and in return most of the people will like your page.

Also Read:   How to add Facebook Comment box in Blogger

2. Facebook Comments by using Page as a Facebook

Click on right side trigger as shown in the pic and Click on the Facebook page.

Use Page as a Facebook

Now Your name will be displayed as your page name. Facebook Header

Search the page with relevant category and do comment on the post. Also like other’s comment and reply them. Keep in mind to not do spam other wise you will get banned or reported by other users. Liking and Commenting on other post will attract somewhere in this way they can like your page. Make sure to write a good comment which make sense and don’t shout to like the page or click on this link.

FB Tips comments

Also Read: Is your Social Media Really Social ?

 3. Like your another Page as Facebook

Lets say you have multiple Facebook page then you can show the page on each other. Firstly like each other page by using Facebook as page and then go to featured setting to enable the page show on left side of the timeline. Whenever Facebook user will visit you Facebook page then page will display and you may get likes.

FB Tips comments

4. Share Facebook Page on your timeline

This is very important rule of marketing either Offline or Online, i.e. , Target whom that you know personally like your friends, Family and Co-workers, If they like you concept then they will do share to their friends of friends. In this way Facebook is one place where you can contact each and every person whom do you know well and they also know as well. Keep Sharing your Facebook Page twice in a Week. You can copy your page link and then paste in your status or you can directly share your Facebook page.

Also Read:   Facebook News Feed Update

Facebook Page tips

5. Join Relevant Facebook Group

Facebook is place where you can connect with known and unknown people by mutual friendship or by Facebook group.

Create a private space
Have things you only want to share with a small group of people? Just create a group, add friends and start sharing. Once you have your group, you can post updates, poll the group, chat with everyone at once and more.

Share different things with different people
Groups let you share things with the people who will care about them most. By creating a group for each of the important parts of your life—family, teammates, coworkers—you decide who sees what you share.

With Facebook Group, you can post, share and update your Facebook page. Ask them to like your page. If you will do spam then you will hit badly by Group Admin and moderators. Do some useful post and then add Source [Your Page], use call to action saying Like my Page. Using smiley 🙂 in Facebook post works great which indicates that post are updated by a Human not a bot.

6. Use Facebook Page as Email Signature

While sending email add Facebook Page as a Signature. Use as:

  • Stay in touch with Facebook
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Add as Facebook Friend
  • Have a Look at Facebook Page
  • Our Facebook Page

7. Post Quality Content

Do post quality content which should be relevant to your page. Some time we post status and Photos only for posts counts not for fans and followers. Always remember if you will post in such a manner then you can’t increase your post reach.

  • Post right thing on right time
  • Keep some gap in posting
  • Post photos with smiley, Description and location (If required)
Also Read:   10 Facebook Marketing Tips for Managing your Business Page

8. Use Hash Tag (#) in Facebook Posts

Using Hash Tag (#) in Facebook is best marketing tactics. Whenever we publish any post by adding Hash Tag (#) in text it make it more searchable in Facebook. Hashtags (#) turn topics  into clickable links in your posts on Timeline or Page. This helps Facebook user find posts about topics they’re interested in. Few important thing about Hash Tag:

  • A Hash Tag must be written as a single word, (Don’t use space)
  • You can add numbers in a Hash Tag
  • Search for a Hash Tag using the search bar
  • You’ll only see posts that were shared (mutually) with you


Also Read: After HashTag Facebook Launches ‘trending stories’
9.  Timing of Posting Updates

Timing matter a lot. If you are doing Social Media work without any marketing strategy then you are wrong. Do create an Action plan about your work, timings, updates then go ahead. Any way this is debatable topic in Facebook about right time any way Here I am sharing few important data that may help you.

Facebook Timing TipsImage Source


Specific industries varied slightly in which days of the week garnered the most engagement, but most of them sit around the end of the week, from Wednesday to Friday.

Another study found that engagement was 32% higher on weekends, so the end of the week is definitely a good rough guide to start experimenting with.

The best time of day to post on Facebook is debatable, with stats ranging from 1pm to get the most shares, to 3pm to get more clicks, to the broader suggestion of anytime between 9am and 7pm. It seems that this generally points to early afternoon being a solid time to post, and anytime after dinner and before work being a long shot.   – Huffingtonpost

Also Read: Facebook News Feed Update

9. User Interaction

Interacting with your fans is very important which really gives a good impression to other user. Do like and comment that have liked your Facebook posts. Hers is example:

Facebook Tips

10. Embed Facebook Posts and Facebook Like box

Last year Facebook announced a very interesting feature that you can embed your public Facebook post on website or blog. By embed Facebook like Box you can attract your website visitor to your Facebook timeline.

Facebook Like Box Example: 

Facebook Embed post Example:


Also Read: How to embed post from Facebook Timeline

11. Likes Exchange Network

There are lots of website who gives Facebook likes as much as you want. Now a day people are looking to get more Facebook followers and in this way they create profile in such network which is free of cost. Here are few website links:


These sites work on points and credit earn more points by liking other’s Facebook page and in return set your CPC for getting number of Facebook page likes. You can increase the numbers of likes but you can’t increase your page and post reach. I wouldn’t recommend this way which is obvious a Black hat Trick. Facebook user who will like your page through these Network will never like you back either on your post or any of your page’s content.

In market you may get Facebook like increaser software which will show you 100+ testimonial from existing customer but in real they don’t work. If you will do work they Facebook restrict your page and stop showing your post in news feed your page fans.

12. Facebook Advertisement

Sponsored Stories is one of the best ways to invest in Facebook advertising. This is cost-effective solution that can help increase your business page visibility throughout the Facebook platform.

Facebook marketing

With the help of Facebook Ad program you can boost your post and increase visibility as per your need. According to TBG Digital, Facebook’s new Sponsored Stories ad units nabbed a 46% higher click-through rate, a 20% lower cost per click and an 18% lower cost per fan than Facebook’s standard ad units.

I am sure by using these tricks and tips one can increasing Facebook likes and fragment. There is no rocket science behind a successful Facebook Marketing campaign. All you need to do is move step by step, follow guidelines, love your readers, Facebook Fans and use some Marketing trick. Hope I have covered all this miscellaneous points and If you like this article then do share on Social Media for others.

Do you have any idea that can increase Facebook Page Likes ? Let’s Discuss now via Comment box: 

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